CG-EWCG-001 Wireless E911 Guide
Issue 3, January 6, 2004 Overview of E911
1.7 Glossary of Terms
Table B Glossary of Terms
Access Carrier Advocacy Center
Address Verification
Request (AVR)
A form issued by each telco to refer and resolve address
discrepancies with the E911 Customer.
ALEC Alternative Local Exchange Carrier
Alternate Routing A standard feature provided to allow E911 calls to be routed to a
designated alternate location if :
1. all E911 trunks to the primary PSAP are busy OR
2. the primary PSAP closes down for a period. (i.e. night service)
Automatic Location
Identification (ALI)
A feature by which the address associated with the telephone
number (ANI or pANI) is forwarded to the PSAP for display.
Automatic Number
Identification (ANI)
The telephone number assigned by the wireless carrier to the cell
face or PSAP. Also known as Pseudo-ANI and Emergency Service
Routing Digits (ESRD).
Note: The pseudo-ANI number MUST be assigned from the
wireless carrier number pool and be geographically correct for the
serving area.
BST BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc.
Call Back Number Telephone number PSAP will use to dial the 911 caller in the event
the call is disconnected. Also known as wireless Mobile Directory
Number (MDN), Wireless Subscriber ANI (WS-ANI) and Calling
Party Number (CPN).
Call Through Testing The process of testing the network, equipment and database
associated with an E911 system prior to the final cutover.
CMRS Commercial Mobile Radio Service
CSU Channel Service Unit
DSU Data Service Unit
E2 Interface The TIA / EIA / J-STD-036 E2 interface utilized to provide phase
2 location information to the ALI database from the MPC. Refer
to BellSouth TR73610, Issue 2.
E911 Customer A governmental agency responsible for providing public safety and
purchasing 911 service.
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