Wireless E911 Guide CG-EWCG-001
TN Database Updates Issue 3, January 6, 2004
11 Three(3) weeks prior to testing
or implementing a new NXX,
the Wireless Carrier must
furnish the NXX Table update
form to the BST Wireless E911
Implementation Manager. The
form and instructions for its
completion are contained in
this tab.
12 Work with E911 Customer
to resolve address or ESN
13 Transfer data files to INTRADO
to test database processing at
least one week prior to service
14 Identify and resolve special
requirements for premises based
ALI systems.
15 Provide dynamic update interface
to populate call back number
and latitude / longitude in ALI
5.3 E911 Customer Responsibilities
The on-going maintenance responsibilities for the E911 customer are shown below:
• Notify INTRADO of MSAG changes which affect TN records.
• Resolve Address Verification Requests (AVR) referred by INTRADO/Telco.
• Submit PSAP Inquiry Forms to INTRADO.
• Submit ESN realignments / new ESN requirements to the BST marketing contact.
Pseudo-ANI (TN) records that do not have MSAG valid addresses or that error for any other reason, will
go to an error file and will not display if a 911 call is made. The PSAP attendant will see "NO RECORD
FOUND". Wireless Carriers must ensure all cell site sector locations are defined in the E911 database.
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