Wireless E911 Guide CG-EWCG-001
TN Errors and Corrective Action Issue 3, January 6, 2004
Table G Error Codes and Error Descriptions (continued)
756 Company Code mismatch on Change
757 Company Code mismatch on Delete
758 Company ID mismatch on Unlock
760 Lock exceeded number of retries
762 U or M Function Required for LNP
781 Error record does not exist for delete
782 Company Code mismatch on error delete
783 Unlock failed; Main account has sublines
792 Record exists with a Company Code mismatch
6.4 Error Code and Corrective Action
Table H Error Codes and Corrective Action
Error Code Error Message Occurs when. . . Corrective Action for . . .
100 Customer Code not
A character other than 999 is sent in
the customer code field of the incoming
Issue corrective SOIR for errored TN
showing 999 in the customer code field
101 NPA / NXX not
The incoming record contains a NPA /
NXX combination that is not valid E911
database tables
Determine if NPANXX is correct and
• If correct, submit NXX Table
UpdateForm to INTRADO and
resubmit I FOC SOIR for TN
• If incorrect, submit E FOC SOIR
to delete TN error and submit new
SOIR for correct TN
103 Main TN not
The main telephone number shown on
the SOIR is non-numeric
Submit E FOC SOIR to delete invalid
TN error and resubmit new SOIR for
correct TN
105 Name missing The customer name field on the incoming
SOIR is blank
Issue corrective SOIR for errored TN
with correct customer name
106 Address missing The address field on the incoming SOIR
is blank
Issue corrective SOIR for errored TN
with correct MSAG valid street address.
- continued -
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