Wireless E911 Guide CG-EWCG-001
Coordination of Wireless Interconnection Issue 3, January 6, 2004
2.5.2 Initial Establishment of Mobile Position Center Provider
The first step for the Wireless Carrier in establishing their MPC provider is to contact the BST Wireless
E911 Implementation Manager. At that time a discussion will take place to determine the method of
connectivity. The Wireless Carrier will be provided a questionnaire used to direct the Wireless Carrier
to the next steps required for Phase II connectivity. Once it has been determined what the needs of the
Wireless Carrier are, they will be directed to the appropriate network entity that will provide location
information to the ALI database. When the determination has been made, the Wireless Carrier will then be
asked to provide written notification to the BST Wireless E911 Implementation Manager as to who they
have selected as their MPC provider.
If the Wireless Carrier will use their own equipment and provide their own E2 Interface to BST, the
first step is to contact the BST ICS E911 Product Manager. The Wireless Carrier is required to sign the
Wireless E911 Phase 2 MPC Operator Interface Agreement and to work with the BST Wireless E911
Implementation Manager to connect the E2 circuits to the ALI databases.
2.5.3 Change of Mobile Position Center Provider
Should the Wireless Carrier change the MPC provider that was initially selected, written notification to the
BST Wireless E911 Implementation Manager will be required. This notification may be sent via US Mail,
electronic mail, or faxed to the address noted above.
2.5.4 Information Required for Phase 2 MPC/GMLC Circuits to the ALI Hosts
The following information can be used by Wireless Carriers or their MPC/GMLC providers in placing
orders for the E2 Data Links which will connect their MPCs or GMLCs to BellSouth’s ALI Host
Computers located in the 4 Data Centers. The BellSouth ALI Host Computers in Miami, FL and Charlotte,
NC serve FL, GA, NC and SC. The BellSouth ALI Host Computers in Birmingham, AL and Nashville, TN
serve LA, MS, AL, TN and KY. MPCs/GMLCs must be connected to the appropriate ALI host pairs for
the states served.
PLASE NOTE - the following also contains information related to these circuit orders which must be
returned to BellSouth’s Wireless E911 Implementation Manager as soon as it is available. This will aid
in completion of preliminary forms that must be provided in advance of the orders to the data center
personnel. to insure there are no delays in connecting and extending the circuits.
Note that there is a
separate form for each of the BellSouth ALI Host Computer locations.
You should also contact Doug McCambridge at Intrado (720-494-6271) to schedule coordinated testing of
these circuits. Intrado requires at a minimum 5 days notice prior to testing. Questions/comments can be
directed to John Storey at 205-977-7653 or by e-mail at John.Storey@bellsouth.com.
Detailed Circuit Information (Circuit IDs for all segments of the circuits with 24 X 7 Contact names
and numbers, etc.) is required so that service technicians can communicate with each other in the
event of outages or maintenance issues.
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