CG-EWCG-001 Wireless E911 Guide
Issue 3, January 6, 2004 TN Errors and Corrective Action
Table G Error Codes and Error Descriptions (continued)
112 Street name has invalid characters
113 Community Name is too long
114 Community Name has invalid characters
115 Service class invalid
116 House Number Suffix is too long
120 TN is incorrectly formatted
126 Invalid type of service
701 House number is not in MSAG range
702 Record already exists, insert not allowed
704 Record does not exist for delete
705 Main record not found for delete
709 Street not found in MSAG
710 customer code doesn’t match on change
711 Customer code or street name does not match on delete
712 Record does not exist for change
713 TN and Main Account mismatch
729 Change failed, completion date conflict with disconnect file
730 Insert failed, completion date conflict with disconnect file
731 Change failed, completion date conflict with TN database
732 Record in disconnect with greater completion date
735 Delete failed, record in TN database has same completion date
738 MSAG update caused TN error
739 Invalid house number format
741 Update not allowed; flagged for PS / ALI
751 Invalid Function Code
752 Invalid Company ID
753 No record exists on Unlock
754 No record exists on Lock
755 Unable to migrate a locked record
- continued -
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