
Multiserver 5000
CONNECT FAIL MATRIX n/c Event The matrix connection request made by the local
port did not complete successfully. Also, the
password may be incorrect.
<CONNECTED> Dialog This message is sent to the async user when a
connection has been established across the link.
An L or H may appear at the end if there are
unbalanced rates.
L = you are connected to a lower-speed device
H = you are connected to a higher-speed device
DATA LOST Info The X.21 bis network is unable to synchronize
across the link. Your data is lost.
DATE nn/nn Event Appears on each new day and any time the date is
ni DDS IN SERVICE Event The ISU at node ni has returned to service
LINK ci for link ci.
ni DDS OUT OF Event The ISU at node ni is out of service for link
ni DDS RUNNING Event A loop test is being run on the ISU at node
LOOP TEST LINK ci ni for link ci.
DEVICE BUSY Event The modem is temporarily busy.
ni DIAL CONNECTION Event The ADB option has completed the backup
MADE LINK # ci dial connection for link ci.
ni DIALING RX PRIMARY Info The modem is dialing the primary RX dial line
LINK # ci number in an attempt to connect to the remote unit
via the dial lines. This message is displayed by the
call-originating modem.
ni DIALING RX SECONDARY Info The modem is dialing the secondary RX dial
LINK # ci line number. This usually indicates the call to the
primary RX number cannot be completed (the
number is busy, no answer, etc.). This message is
displayed by the call-originating modem.
ni DIALING TX PRIMARY Info The modem is dialing the primary TX dial line
LINK # ci number in an attempt to connect to the remote unit
via the dial lines. This message is displayed by the
call-originating modem.
Screen Display Messages
Message Message Type Explanation