
Appendix D: Messages
LOCAL LINK RESET ci Event or Alarm Local link ci has been reset.
NEW DATE: nn/nn Event or Alarm Appears at the beginning of each new day and
when the date is reconfigured.
NO ACTION TAKEN. Info You have elected to terminate a reset request
DEPRESS ANY KEY by pressing any key other than the EXEcute key
when the display prompted Are You Sure?
NO DEVICE ASSOCIATED Info The selected link has no integral
WITH CHANNEL device associated with it.
NO DEVICE RESPONSE Info The selected port is temporarily busy. Usually a
second attempt will succeed.
NO DEVICES INSTALLED. Info The integral device path has been selected and
DEPRESS ANY KEY no devices are installed.
NO SYSTEM MESSAGES Info The message log is currently empty.
NO VOICE INSTALLED. Info There is no voice/fax module installed in the
DEPRESS ANY KEY requested port location.
NUMBER ALREADY IN USE. Info You are trying to assign a local node number
DEPRESS ANY KEY that has already been assigned.
OUT OF RANGE Info The selected port exceeds the available number for
the type of module installed in the selected module
Example: You select A10. On the CCM
(module A), there is no port 10.
REMOTE LINK RESET ci Event or Alarm The remote link (ci) has been reset.
RESET ISSUED. Info The requested cold reset is executing. The
SYSTEM INITIALIZING. system is initializing the factory default settings.
SELF TEST PASSED Event or Alarm All power-up diagnostics have been successfully
SLOT EMPTY OR MODULE Info The Hardware Overview option from the
ID INVALID Configure Local Nodes Menu has been selected,
and either the module location is empty or the ID of
the installed module is somehow invalid.
TELCO LOOPS ACTIVE. Info You attempted a modem loopback while the
NO ACTION TAKEN telephone company’s central office was running a
test on the lines.
LCD Messages
Message Message Type Explanation