
Appendix D: Messages
ISU LOCAL LOOPBACK Diagnostic The ISU on link ci has been placed in local
ACTIVE LINK # ci loopback.
ISU LOCAL Diagnostic This test puts the local ISU on link ci in
LOOPBACK WITH TP loopback, then verifies the operation of the
ACTIVE LINK # ci ISU by sending and receiving the test pattern.
ISU TEST PATTERN Diagnostic The test-pattern generator on the ISU on link
ACTIVE LINK # ci ci has been activated.
ISU TEST Diagnostic The test for the ISU on link ci has been
TERMINATED LINK # cl terminated.
ni LAN MODULE Info The LAN module in ml is not available for use.
ni LAN MODULE Info The LAN module in ml is operating and
LOCATION [ml] UP available.
ni LEASED LINE CONNECTION Event ADB has completed the leased line connection
MADE LINK ci for link ci.
ni LEASE LINE OUT OF Event The modem is unable to communicate with the
SERVICE LINK # ci remote modem over the leased lines.
ni LEASE LINE Event The modem is operating on the leased lines
RETRY LINK ci while the dial lines are still established. ADB mode
is enabled.
ni LINE ALARM ci Alarm Link ci at node ni has a line alarm, indicating a high
line error rate.
LINK DOWN ci Alarm The local Multiserver unit has timed out (40
seconds) waiting for sync to be acquired on link ci.
Check the cabling, modem, remote Multiserver unit,
or feeder mux for errors.
LOCAL ANALOG LOOP Diagnostic The local analog transmit signal is being
LINK # ci looped back into the local analog receiver.
LOCAL Bl-ANALOG Diagnostic Both the local analog and VF loopbacks are
LOOP LINK # ci being run.
LOCAL Bl-DIGITAL Diagnostic This test includes both DTE and digital
LOOP LINK # cl loopback tests.
LOCAL CHANNEL Info The Local Channel Configuration Menu cannot
CONFIGURATION DISABLED be accessed by the async port requesting it.
Screen Display Messages
Message Message Type Explanation