
Multiserver 5000
OUTPUT DATA TEST COMPLETE Diagnostic An async channel output test is complete.
PRESS BREAK TO Diagnostic To terminate a channel loopback or channel
TERMINATE TEST output test, press the <break> key.
QUEUE n/c cl Event Port c of node n has been placed in a first-come,
first-serve queue for the next available port in the
ni RECEIVER BUSY LINK ci Event The local receiver detected a busy signal.
ni RECEIVER DIALING Event The ADB software is dialing the receiver
LINK ci number for link ci.
ni RECEIVER RING Event A call is coming in on the receiver side.
REMOTE DIGITAL Diagnostic The local modem has activated the remote
LOOP LINK # ci modem’s digital loop test.
REMOTE FOX Diagnostic The port has been placed into a remote fox
loopback test.
ni REMOTE LINK Event Node ni on link ci has been restarted.
REMOTE MUX DOES Info You attempted to enable data compression on
NOT SUPPORT the remote node, and either the link is down or
COMPRESSION the remote multiplexer does not support
REMOTE TEST, ECHO Diagnostic The port has been placed into a remote echo
INPUT loopback test.
REMOTE TX TEST Diagnostic The local modem is sending a test pattern to
PATTERN LINK # ci the remote modem to aid you in determining if the
telephone line is defective.
REMOTE VF LOOP Diagnostic The receiver of the remote modem is looped
LINK # ci though the remote transmitter after it is amplified.
REMOTE 1004 HZ Diagnostic The remote modem is transmitting a test tone
TONE LINK # ci of 1004 Hz over the VF lines.
REPORT INHIBITED Info A voice/fax status report has been requested for the
feeder mux. The feeder mux cannot be connected:
Mux is in composite loopback
Link is out of sync.
Screen Display Messages
Message Message Type Explanation