
Appendix D: Messages
NO ASYNC CHANNELS Info A port or ports in the range selected is not
WITHIN RANGE configured for async.
NODE-CHANNEL NOT AVAILABLE Info A link port number was entered when
ENTER CARRIAGE RETURN a sync, async, or voice/fax channel number
TO CONTINUE was required.
NODE ID ALREADY IN USE Info You are trying to configure a node ID that has
already been assigned in the network.
NODE NUMBER ALREADY Info You are trying to configure a node number
IN USE that has already been assigned in the network.
ni NO DIAL TONE LINK # ci Event The automatic dial-backup function was unable to
detect a dial tone when it went off hook to place a
call over the RX or TX dial lines.
ni NO RECEIVER Event The ADB feature could not detect a dial tone at
DIAL TONE LINK ci the receiver. Check the phone connection.
NO REMOTE CONNECT Info The user is attempting a remote echo/fox test
ACTIVE from Command Mode with no connection made.
NO SYNC CHANNELS Info A port or ports in the range selected are not
WITHIN RANGE configured for sync.
ni NO TRANSMITTER Event The ADB feature could not detect a dial tone
DIAL TONE LINK ci at the transmitter. Check the phone line.
NOT ALLOWED Event An invalid mode of operation has been entered; it
will not be supported.
NOT SUPPORTED Info The requested voice/fax configuration parameter
selected is not supported by your voice/fax module.
ni NUMBER NOT Event The ADB number has not been configured for
CONFIGURED LINK ci link ci; the ADB operation cannot continue.
NUMERIC REQUIRED Info The entry received was not a number.
OPERATIONAL PROCESSOR FAIL Event The modem failed the self-test. Contact your
FAIL dealer.
OPERATIONAL PROCESSOR PASS Event Self-test complete.
OUT OF RANGE Info The range of numbers entered is not available in the
Screen Display Messages
Message Message Type Explanation