30 ELS100-24TX User Interface ELS100-24TX
Forwarding Table Configuration Menu (continued)
Selection Description
Next Page Displays the next page of the forwarding table.
Previous Page Displays the previous page of the forwarding table.
First Page Displays the first page (top) of the forwarding table.
Last Page Displays the last page of the forwarding table.
Display Table Redisplays the forwarding table.
Make Entry Static Makes a dynamic entry in the forwarding table static.
Add Static Entry Adds a static entry to the forwarding table.
Delete Static Entry Deletes a static entry from the forwarding table.
Modify Static Entry Modifies a static entry from the forwarding table.
Search by Port # Performs a search by port number and posts the search results
at the top of the screen.
Search by MAC
Performs a search by MAC Address and posts the search re-
sults at the top of the screen.