Viewing Frame Relay Status 5-23
Frame Relay Status and Configuration
BECN (Transmitted and Received)
Displays the number of frames with the BECN (backward explicit congestion
notiÞcation) bit set that were transmitted or received on the selected port,
expressed as a rate (frames/second). BECN frames notify the user that trafÞc sent
in the opposite direction to the received frame may encounter a congested path;
this alerts the device to reduce inbound trafÞc.
FECN (Transmitted and Received)
Displays the number of frames with the FECN (forward explicit congestion
notiÞcation) bit set that were transmitted or received on the selected port,
expressed as a rate (frames/second). FECN frames notify the receiving device
that the frames have been delivered through a congested network path; this alerts
the destination device to slow its transmission rate.
The Error Statistics window displays the rate at which frames are being discarded
at the selected port. To access the window:
1. Click mouse button 3 on the frame relay port of interest to display the Port
2. Drag down to Frame Relay Errors, and release. The Frame Relay Errors
window, Figure 5-7, will appear.
Figure 5-7. Frame Relay Errors
The Errors window provides a single meter displaying the following statistic:
Frames Discarded
Displays the number of incoming and outgoing frames discarded due to
congestion, expressed as a rate (frames/second).