Configuring LLC2 7-19
SNA Status and Configuration
2. Drag down to SNA/LLC2 Hosts Table, and release. The SNA/LLC2 Host
Table, Figure 7-5, will appear.
Figure 7-5. The SNA/LLC2 Host Table
The list box at the top of the window displays the LLC2 hosts that have already
been conÞgured. It lists the hostsÕ MAC addresses and identiÞes each LLC2
session as Originated or Terminated. In an Originated session, the host initiates
LLC2 sessions; in a Terminated session, the host accepts sessions destined for the
address. A host-to-terminal connection is always initiated by the terminal.
The Þelds and buttons in the lower portion of the window allow you to add new
entries, and modify or delete existing ones.
The SNA/LLC2 Host Table allows you to conÞgure the following parameters:
Traffic Group
This it the trafÞc group associated with the LLC2 interface. It is always set to 1.
Host Index
This is the host number 0 - 128. The default value is 0.