Chapter 8
BSC Interactive Configuration
Configuring BSC Interactive ports; BSCI Subscriber Information; configuring devices connected to
BSCI ports
FRX4000, FRX6000, and SmartSwitch 1800 devices support binary synchronous
communications (BSC) Interactive ports, used to connect IBM 3270 hosts to
remote control units (CU) over frame relay or X.25.
For each physical port conÞgured to run BSC Interactive (BSCI), three
conÞguration windows are provided:
¥ The BSCI Port ConÞguration window allows you to conÞgure basic
parameters related to BSCI port operation;
¥ The BSCI Subscriber Information window provides information on local and
remote subscribers for each BSCI port;
¥ The BSCI Device Information window lets you deÞne the devices connected
to the BSCI ports.
These windows and their functions are described in the following sections.
Configuring BSCI Ports
Using the BSCI Port ConÞguration window, you can conÞgure basic operating
parameters for each of your BSCI ports.
To access the window:
1. Click mouse button 3 on the BSCI port of interest to display the Port Menu.
2. Drag down to BSCI Port Configuration, and release. The BSCI Port
Configuration window, Figure 8-1, will appear.