Monitoring Hub Performance 2-15
Using the FRX4000, FRX6000, and SmartSwitch 1800 Hub View
Connector Type
This port display form indicates the connector type supported by the selected
port. This value (from the OID nlIfConnectorType) is determined by a combination
of cable and physical port type, as follows:
rs232 Indicates an RS232 serial port, which must always use an
RS232 cable.
v35 Indicates a v.35 serial port, which must always use a v.35
rs449 Indicates an RS422 serial port conÞgured for an RS449
rs530 Indicates an RS422 serial port conÞgured for an RS530
x21 Indicates an RS422 serial port conÞgured for an X21
csudsu (csu/dsu) Indicates a CSU/DSU interface.
none This value displays for LAN ports.
voice This value displays for voice channels.
Indicates the speed conÞgured for the selected port, as reported by the MIB II OID
ifSpeed. The speed conÞgured for a port must match the speed of the line which
will be connected to that interface, and the speed conÞgured for the port at the
other end of the connection.
Max Packet Size
Displays the size of largest datagram which can be sent or received on this port, in
octets (as reported by the MIB II OID ifMtu). This value is speciÞc to the protocol
running on the selected interface.
IF Index
Displays the MIB II ifIndex value assigned to each port. Note that the displayed
index values do not necessarily increment as you might expect Ñ as the FRX or
SmartSwitch 1800 device boots, each physical or logical port which is detected will
be incrementally assigned an index value, which may result in gaps between the
index values assigned to the physical ports displayed in the Hub View. Note that
the assigned ifIndex values are constant between bootups; however, once the
device reboots, the same ifIndex values will not necessarily be assigned to the
same physical or logical ports (if the deviceÕs conÞguration has changed).
To map logical ports to their physical port locations, use the OID nlIfPhyPort.