SNA Status and Configuration
7-2 Configuring SNA Ports
In addition, for each SNA port there are four statistical windows provided:
¥ The SDLC Port Stats providing general port statistics;
¥ The SDLC LS General Stats providing link station statistics;
¥ The SDLC LS Rx Stats providing link station receive statistics;
¥ The SDLC LS Tx Stats providing link station transmit statistics.
These windows and their functions are described in the following sections.
Configuring SNA Ports
Each SNA port can be conÞgured to support SNA hosts (PU 2.1, 4.0 HPAD, or
NPAD) or terminals (PU 1.0, 2.0, 2.1 TPAD). A port can also be conÞgured for a
transparent mode (XPAD), which supports HDLC (High-level Data Link Control)
and any of its subset protocols, such as SDLC, LAPB (Link Access Procedure), and
BSC (Binary Synchronous Communications).
SDLC Port Configuration
Using the SDLC Port ConÞguration window, you can conÞgure the SNA port that
will connect to the user devices, if the connection will be SDLC.
To access the window:
1. Click mouse button 3 on the SNA port of interest to display the Port Menu.
2. Drag down to SDLC Port Configuration, and release. The SDLC Port
Configuration window, Figure 7-1, will appear.
The statistical windows display their information via the SPMA Meters application; for
more information on how to manipulate and conÞgure these meters, see the SPMA Tools