3 Configuring a Wafer ID Application
In this section…
3.1 Basic Concepts ........................................................................................................19
3.2 GUI Overview...........................................................................................................20
3.3 Getting an Image .....................................................................................................21
3.4 Defining Config Settings ..........................................................................................23
3.5 Setting Options ........................................................................................................35
3.1 Basic Concepts
Wafer reading recipes created in In-Sight are called jobs. Each job can contain up to 10
unique reading configurations, called Configs. Each Config specifies a type of wafer
mark, a checksum, the string fielding, light settings, and other information. An automatic
tuning operation can be used to optimize Config settings for maximum reading reliability.
Jobs can run multiple Configs in a retry sequence until a successful read is achieved, or
the mark cannot be read within the time permitted. Optionally, Configs can be tuned
automatically during runtime if the retry sequence fails to report a successful read.
When a Config is tried, it reports a string of characters for successful reads, or a string of
asterisks (***) or partially read characters and question marks for failed reads. In either
case a read score is reported.
All of the steps necessary to configure a standard wafer ID application are performed in
the user interface that loads automatically when you connect to a networked 1700 using
a Java-enabled web browser, as described below.