1700 Series Wafer Reader Section 3: Configuring a Wafer ID Application
Show Output Graphics
When the Show Output Graphics checkbox is enabled, the character’s score, the read
character, and the center coordinate of the character are displayed. If the mark passes,
the output graphics are shown in green; if the score is below the Accept value, the output
graphics are shown in red. If a character cannot be read, a question mark is displayed. If
the mark fails, and the character’s score is above the Accept value, the output graphics
for the character are shown in green. An example with Output graphics enabled is shown
in Figure 3-10.
NOTE Output Graphics are only shown when the selected Mark is ‘Chars, SEMI’, ‘Chars, IBM’, or ‘Chars,
Figure 3-10: Output Graphics
3.5.2 Input/Output
Input/Output options control how reads are initiated on the 1700 reader, and the data
format of the output results.
Selects the source of the trigger that acquires an image and initiates a read.
Camera Reads when the acquisition input on the reader receives a pulse from an external trigger source.
Reads when the READ command is received from a remote network host through a TCP/IP
device connection at the specified Port.
Serial Reads when a READ command is received from a remote RS232 serial device.
NOTE When ‘Serial’ is the selected Trigger, the Mode setting in the Serial tab on the System Settings
page must be ‘Text’.