Section 3: Configuring a Wafer ID Application In-Sight
1700 Series Wafer Reader
3. The only valid characters in the second position will be 3, 4, 5, or 6. And in the third
position, only 7, 8, or 9 will be valid.
3.4.7 Accept
The Accept value specifies the minimum response threshold for the raw reading score
(40 to 100; default = 50). The meaning of the Accept value and its role in determining the
pass/fail status of a read depends on the type of wafer mark.
In all cases, before a read can be considered successful, the raw score must exceed the
Accept threshold. Only then will the bonus points for passing the checksum be added to
the raw score, and the pass/fail status of the read determined.
Characters. The response score for a character string is derived from the average of
the individual scores for all characters in the string. Refer to Section 3.4.5 for a
detailed explanation of how the raw score combines with a checksum to determine
the total score and pass/fail status of the read.
NOTE It is possible for the raw score to exceed the Accept value even when individual character
scores fall below the specified threshold. This allows character strings where all but one or
two characters score above the threshold to be read successfully.
2D symbol. The response score for a 2D symbol is the score for locating the mark in
the image. If the 2D mark cannot be located, the score will be 0 and the read fails. If
the 2D mark is located and the mark is decoded, 300 bonus points are added to the
raw score (passed scoring range: 340 – 400).
NOTE Accept is ignored when ‘2D Sym, T7 Data Matrix’ is the selected Mark type.
Barcode. The response score for a barcode is the percentage of “scan lines” within
the Region that correctly detect the length of the string encoded in the barcode. If at
least three scan lines decode the same string that passes the checksum, 300 bonus
points are added to the raw score
(passed scoring range: 310 – 400).
NOTE Accept is ignored when a barcode is the selected Mark type.
3.4.8 Image Orientation
The Image Orientation setting selects the orientation of the wafer mark in the image. The
default orientation is Normal.
Normal (default) Unmodified image acquired by the reader.
Mirrored horizontally Horizontally mirrors the acquired image.
Flipped vertically Vertically flips the acquired image.
Rotated 180 degrees Rotates the acquired image by 180 degrees.