Section 3: Configuring a Wafer ID Application In-Sight
1700 Series Wafer Reader
Output Destination
Determines where results are sent after each read.
Sends read results to a remote network host through a TCP/IP device connection at the specified
Serial Sends read results to a remote RS232 serial device.
NOTE When ‘Serial’ is the selected Output Destination, the Mode setting in the Serial tab on the System
Settings page must be ‘Text’.
Determines the command that a remote device sends to initiate tuning and reading, and
the format for outputting the results data.
NOTE The reader must be Online.
Read Tune*
EG ESC-y1wXON** n/a
* Each time the TUNE command is sent, the Light Power is adjusted by ± .5 ms, in increments of .2 ms, and the Size region is
adjusted ± 1 pixel, both high and wide.
** “ESC” and “XON” are control characters.
In-Sight Protocol
In-Sight is the default protocol for the 1700 reader. This protocol can be used with either
a TCP/IP or RS232 connection. If used with TCP/IP, a valid Port number must be
specified. When using an RS232 serial device, the settings in the Serial tab (see Section
6.4 Configuring Serial Port Settings) should be configured as follows:
! Baud Rate = 1200
! Data Bits = 8
! Stop Bits = 1
! Parity = None
! Handshake = Xon/Xoff
! Mode = Text
NOTE If using the Send Message Native Mode command, the selected Mode must be Native. For more
information on the Send Message command, refer to Section 7: Native Mode Commands.