1700 Series Wafer Reader Section 3: Configuring a Wafer ID Application
To set the Region:
1 Click the Edit Region button. The image area will expand, and the interactive region
box will appear (Figure 3-5).
Figure 3-5: Editing the Region
2 Adjust the region as necessary to encompass the entire mark. The image
coordinates and the size of the region (row, column, height, width) are displayed
below the box.
To move the region, position the cursor anywhere inside the box, then click
and hold the left mouse button while dragging.
To resize the region, position the cursor over an edge or corner of the region,
then click and hold the left mouse button while dragging.
TIP To move the region one pixel at a time, use the arrow keys on the keyboard; to resize the
region one pixel at a time, use shift-arrow keys.
To finish editing the region and accept the changes, double left-click anywhere in the
image, or click the Save button above the image area.