DGS-3400 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual
config log_save_timing
Purpose Used to configure the method of saving log files to the switch’s flash memory.
config log_save_timing [time_interval <min 1–65535> | on_demand | log_trigger]
Description This command allows the user to configure the time method used in saving log files to the
switch’s flash memory.
Parameters time_interval <min 1–65535> – Use this parameter to configure the time interval that will
be implemented for saving log files. The log files will be save every x number of minutes
that are configured here.
on_demand – Users who choose this method will only save log files when they manually
tell the Switch to do so, using the save or save log command.
log_trigger – Users who choose this method will have log files saved to the Switch every
time a log event occurs on the Switch.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To configure the time interval as every 30 minutes for saving log files:
DGS–3426:5#config log_save_timing time_interval 30
Command: config log_save_timing time_interval 30
show log_save_timing
Purpose Used to display the method configured for saving log files to the switch’s flash memory.
show log_save_timing
Description This command allows the user to view the time method configured for saving log files to
the switch’s flash memory.
Parameters None.
Restrictions None.
Example usage:
To configure the time interval as every 30 minutes for saving log files:
DGS–3426:5#show log_save_timing
Command: show log_save_timing
Saving log method: every 30 minute(s)