GL815E Endura Motherboard Product Manual
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BIOS POST Checkpoint Codes
26h Enable A20 90h Initialize hard disk controller
28h Autosize DRAM 9"h Initialize local bus hard disk controller
29h Initialize PMM 92h Disable unused PCI clocks
2Ah Clear 5"2KB base RAM 93h
Build MPTABLE for multiprocessor
2Ch Test 5"2KB base address lines 95h Install CDROM for boot
2Eh Test low byte of 5"2KB base memory 96h Clear huge ES segment register
2Fh Pre-System Shadow 97h Fix up MP table
30h Test high byte of 5"2KB base memory 98h Search for option ROMs (beep for bad
32h Test CPU bus-clock frequency 99h Check for SMART HDD
33h Initialize PDM 9Ah Shadow option ROMs
34h Test CMOS RAM 9Ch Set up Power Management
35h Initialize alternate chipset registers 9Dh Initialize security
36h Warm start shutdown entry point 9Eh Enable hardware interrupts
37h Reinitialize the chipset 9Fh (Second) HDD fast initialization
38h Shadow system BIOS ROM A0h Set time of day
39h Reinitialize the cache A2h Check keylock
3Ah Auto-size cache A4h Initialize typematic rate
3Ch Configure advanced chipset registers A8h Erase F2 prompt
3Dh Load alternate registers with CMOS
AAh Scan for F2 keystroke
3Eh Read HW ACh Enter SETUP
40h Set Initial CPU speed AEh Clear in-POST flag
42h Initialize interrupt vectors B0h Check for errors
44h Initialize BIOS interrupts B2h POST done--prepare to boot operating
45h Core Device Init B4h One beep before boot
46h Check ROM copyright notice B5h Quiet boot end/Display MultiBoot menu
48h Check video configuration against
B6h Check password (optional)
49h Initialize PCI bus and devices B8h Clear global descriptor table
4Ah Initialize all video adapters in system B9h Prepare to boot
Display QuietBoot screen
4Ch Shadow video BIOS ROM BBh Initialize BCVS
4Eh Display copyright notice BCh Clear parity checkers
50h Display CPU type and speed BDh Boot Menu
5"h Initialize EISA board BEh Clear screen (optional)
52h Test keyboard BFh Check virus and backup reminders
54h Set key click if enabled C0h Try to boot with INT"9