Chapter 8 Bit Image Graphics
Bit Image Graphics
Bit Image Graphics mode is selected when the emulation is in Serial Matrix,
Proprinter XL, or Epson FX emulation mode. Bit Image Graphics are created
by printing a series of vertical bit image data bytes, which represent the binary
code bit pattern. Bit Image mode utilizes the 1 or true bits from a binary data
byte to print dot patterns. These data bytes are actually the binary equivalent
of ASCII character decimal values 0 through 255. Figure 26 shows the binary
data byte bit pattern for the ASCII character A (hex 41, decimal 65).
Figure 26. Binary Data Byte
If this data byte is rotated vertically, the result is a vertical data byte pattern
with the most significant bit (MSB) at the top as shown in Figure 27.
Figure 27. Vertical Data Byte Pattern
If each 1 or true bit is plotted, the result is a Bit Image plot of the ASCII
character A. The relationship of ASCII character, decimal value, and Bit