Bit Image Mode, Quadruple Density
Bit Image Mode, Quadruple Density
n1 n2
Hex Code 1B 5A
n1 n2
Dec Code 27 90
n1 n2
Purpose Selects Quadruple Density Bit Image graphics.
where: (
+ 256
) define the number of data bytes to follow.
DATA = ASCII characters for the dot pattern bytes.
NOTE: The DATA can be expressed in a format with the appropriate decimal
values of the ASCII characters supplied especially in cases where the
dot patterns of nonprintable characters are required.
Comment For detailed information, see the Bit Image section in Chapter 8.
The printed density in this mode is 120 dpi horizontal and 72 dpi
vertical if selected when Letter Gothic print mode is active.
Example The following example produces quadruple density graphics of
the pattern used in the Single Density Bit Image Mode example.
Note that the amount of data must be quadrupled for quadruple
density (the data is used 108 times rather than 27).
Bold Print Set
Hex Code 1B 47
Dec Code 27 71
Purpose Selects bold character printing.
Comment When the bold character printing control code is received, all
characters are printed in bold until reset by the bold print reset
control code or printer reset. Bold Print is the same as printing
double strike.
Example The following sample illustrates bold character printing.