Carriage Return
Carriage Return
Hex Code 0D
Dec Code 13
Purpose Returns the logical print head to the first character column
(resets the pointer to the first character position).
Comment The CR code may or may not cause printing or paper motion,
depending on the DEFINE CR CODE configuration parameter
value. If the DEFINE CR CODE submenu displays:
the characters following the CR are printed over the previous
characters on the line. If identical characters are placed in the
same position on the line, those characters are printed in bold
(double strike) print when the Overstrike Mode is enabled from
the control panel.
If the DEFINE CR CODE submenu displays:
control code CR is converted to perform a carriage return and
line feed function.
The CR code in Serial Matrix printer protocol cancels expanded
(double wide) print when set by code SO and ESC SO (single
line printing attribute).
Character Pitch 10 cpi
Hex Code 1B 50
Dec Code 27 80
Purpose Sets character pitch to 10 cpi.
Comment Control Code ESC X can also be used to select a character pitch
of 10 cpi. See “Print Mode/Pitch Selection” on page 104.
Define CR Code
CR = CR*
Define CR Code