Appendix D
communications The sequential transmission of data, in which each
element is transferred in succession.
Set To turn on, activate, invoke, or enable.
SFCC Special Function Control Character. The first character
in a printer command sequence. In P-Series emulation
mode, you can select one of five characters as the
SFCC. In the Serial Matrix or Proprinter protocols, the
SFCC must always be the ASCII ESC character.
command sequence.
Shadow printing A typeface with a heavy line thickness produced when
the characters doublestrike just offset of the original
See also
character weight.
Compare with
bold print.
Slewing Rapid vertical paper movement.
SSCC Super-Set Control Code. The SSCC is used to activate
the super-set commands. It consists of the SFCC plus
the sequence |};
Start bit The signal that indicates the start of a character or
Stop bits The signal that indicates the end of a character or
String Two or more bytes of data or code treated as a unit.
Substitution Table A table that contains the code points within a character
set that need to be changed for an international
Symbol set
character set.
True On or 1. “High true” refers to a positive relative voltage
representing the ON state; “low true” refers to a
negative relative voltage representing the ON state.
Type style Refers to either the upright (roman) or italic character
style within a specific font family.
Typeface A descriptive name or brand name that identifies a
particular design of type.
Typographic font
font, proportional.