
Chapter 3 Configuring the XQ Emulation with Control Codes
Carriage Return
Hex Code 0D
Dec Code 13
Purpose Positions the logical print head at the left margin (resets the
memory pointer to the first character position).
Comment The printer can be configured to perform a carriage return only
(CR = CR only), or a carriage return plus a line feed function
(CR = CR + LF).
ACR= CR configuration enables underline, add, delete, and
edit functions, but the host computer must send a separate line
feed code to print the data and change the vertical position. The
character position indicator is positioned at character column
one. Subsequent printable data preceding a paper motion
command replace previous printable data (including underlines).
Two exceptions apply:
Subsequent underlined characters (hex 5F) overlay the
previous data.
Subsequent space characters (hex 20) only index the
character position indicator to the right.
This code can occur at any place in the datastream and is acted
upon immediately.
With CR = CR + LF, the underline, add, delete and edit
functions are disabled, and the code is processed as a line feed.
See the Line Feed command description on page 70 for more