SettingUpYourVCR for the
Now that you've completed your antenna, VCR, and TV connec-
tions, you're ready to start enjoying your equipment. To get the
most satisfaction out of your VCR, you shoulc[ carefully read the
two sections, "Setting Up Your VCR for the First Time" and
"Viewing the Picture Coming from Your VCR." Then you can start
exploring what your new VCR can do.
In this chapter, you'll learn:
$ SettingUp YourVCR for the FirstTime
$ Usingthe RemoteControl
Viewingthe PictureComingfrom YourVCR
$ Loadingand UnloadingTapes
Selectingthe On-screen Language
$ Usingthe Menusto Programthe VCR to ReceiveTV Channels
Settingthe Clock
0 Usingthe Audio andVideo Functions
$ Recording
It's important that your VCR is set up correctly before you try to
use it. If you carefully read this section, you will avoid confusion
later and get the most out of operating your _ystem. This section
teaches you about:
• Setting up your VCR if you are using a TV equipped with
Audio and Video Inputs (Modern TV), and
• Setting up your VCR if you are using a TV without Audio
and Video Inputs (Older TV).
Beforeyou begin, you should:
• have completed your antenna, VCR, and TV connections.
Setting up yourVCR if youare usingaTV equippedwith Audio
and Video Inputs(ModernTV)
Turn on your TV and switch it to the correct external input.
(For most Mitsubishi TVs, this means pressing the TV's
INPUT button until you see the words "]_,xt-l" or "Input-l" on
the screen.) If you do not have a Mitsu.bishi TV, please refer to
your TV instruction book for this procedare.
Turn the VCR oll by pre,_sing the POW!_.;R button.