
Chapter3:OperatingYourVCR UsingtheAudiomd VideoFunctions(cont.)
Be careful if you choose S.A.P. If you play your tapes on a non-
Hi-Fi VCR, you only hear the mono track. You may have to watch
your favorite show in a language you don't understand!
The recording speed has an effect on picture quality. SP produces
the best picture quality and records up to two hours of video on a
T-120 tape. Mitsubishi's EP speed has only slightly poorer qual-
ity, and records up to six hours on a T-120.
Adjust this function to ensure the accuracy of the Tape Remain-
ing display. If you are using a tape that is t:wo hours long or less
(labeled T-30 through T-120), set this funct::on to "T-120." If you
are using a tape labeled T-160, select "T-160." If you are using a
tape labeled T-180, select "T-180." If you ar_ using a tape labeled
T-210, select "T-210." The tape remaining function does not work
properly with a tape that is less than 30 minutes long.
This function is used to tun1 on the Play PerfecTape circuitry,
which automatically maximizes picture quality when playing a
tape. If you want to use this feature, select :'ON"; if not, select
Index search is a very useful way to find :specific points on a tape.
(For more information on this feature, plea=_e see page 53.)
This function is used to automatically fast tbrward or rewind to
"0H00M00S" and stop the tape. (For more information on this
feature, please see page 52.)
Use this function to repeatedly play a section of tape between two
index marks. (For more information on this feature, please see
page 54.)
PerfecTape function allows you to test the quality of your video
tapes. After each test, the VCR will adjust !ts internal circuitry in
order to make the best possible recording on your tape. (For more
information on this feature: please see page 49.)
Selectingand adjustingthe audioand video,functions
Below are instructions on how to select and adjust the audio and
video functions.
Before you begin, you need to know:
how to view the picture coming from your VCR (page 22).