Chapter3: OperatingYourVCR
€ Usingthe Menusto Programthe VCR to ReceiveTV Channels
Before your VCR can receive television chamLels, you need to
program all of the channels you can receive into your VCR.
Fortunately, our menu systern makes this an easy process. This
section will also explain some other channel-::elated functions.
This section explains:
• Programming channels automatically,
• Using video mute,
• Adding and deleting channels, and
• Selecting a channel.
This section will show you how to use the on-screen menus. You
will use the menus to operate many features, such as setting the
time, programming to record, and memorizir g channels. You will
learn how to use the menus by actually perfcrming "Programming
channels automatically."
On the on-screen menus, the selected item is highlighted :in white.
You will use the FF and REW buttons as your ADJUST buttons.
Using this process, your VCR will automatically memorize in all
of the television stations you can receive. You can later get rid of
unwanted or unused stations.
A specialnote to
cable box subscribers
If your local cable company scrambles sore e or all stations, and/or
requires you to use a cable box, then your al;ility to program
channels will be limited. The cable box receives all of your chan-
nels and then sends only one to your TV (and your VCR), usually
on channel 3 or 4.
If your cable box or cable system seems incompatible with your
new VCR, call your cable company. They may be able to provide
solutions to your problems.
Your choices are:
_Prosram _o record
_Cus_omize choices
• have completed all connections between your VCR, TV, and
cable or antenna; (see pages 11-17)
• know how to view the picr.ure coming frora your VCR.(page 22)
To program channels automatically:
Set the VCR's input to tuner. To do this, press the INPUT
button on the remote control until a cha:anel number appears
on the screen or on the £mnt panel fluorescent display.
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Press the MENU button on the remote control. You will see
the "VCR Main Menu" on the TV screen.