VCR Main Men_;_'_V_,
Your choices are:
_Program to record
QFirs_ Time Set-Up
_ e_---MENU_ogo back
® e--ENTER _o enSer
Video mute (ON)
Auto power save (OFF)
O RF converter (ON)
9[O]m--ADJUST So selecS
e-----MENU_o so back
Hish ...... {
Mid ..... {
Low .... J
Tes_in9 ,She sa_?_;_
Usingthe PerfecTape®feature
PerfecTape is an exclusive Mitsubishi feat_w_ that tests the
quality of video tapes you will record on. After each test, the VCR
will adjust its internal circuitry in order to make the best :possible
recording on your tape.
You have the option of setting PerfecTape to l!unction only when
you start a test, or to automatically function every time you insert
a tape that has not yet: been recorded. To do this:
O Press the MENU button on the remote control to display the
"VCR Main Menu."
Use the ADJUST buttons to move the cursor next to "Custom-
ize choices" and press the ENTER button.
The "Customize choices" menu will appear. Use the ADJUST
buttons to select °PerfecTape" option.
O Press the ENTER. button to set "Perfec'rape" to AUTO or
Press the MENU button two times to turn off the menus.
If you set PerfecTape to AUTO, the VCR will automatically test
any non-recorded tapes you place in the VCR It will not auto-
matically test recorded tapes - you must choose to test those
If you set PerfecTape to MANUAL, the VCR will not automati-
cally test any tapes. PerfecTape will only function when you
initiate a test.
° have set "PerfecTape" to "AUTO" in _;he"Customize
choices" menu.
Load a tape that has not been recorded into the VCR.
The VCR will display the testing status screen. When testing,
the VCR records tbr one second, then evaluates the recording
it made. The entire test takes about eight seconds. Du:fing
this time, the "PT" light on the front pand will flash. If you
wish to cancel the test, press the PLAY!STOP button while
the "PT" light is still flashing.