Brand of TV Brand code
Mitsubishi 1, 2, 3
Fisher 0
Goldstar 2, 9
Hitachi 8
Magnavox 4
NEC 2, 9
Panasonic 6, ENTER
Philips 4
Proscan CANCEL
Quasar 6
Sanyo 0
Sharp 3, 5
Toshiba 7
Zenith INPUT
signals. If your other VCR is one of these models, and you would
like to program that other VCR to respond to VCR-B signals, refer
to the owner's guide that came with the other VCR.
Some of the buttons may not function or they may operate, differ-
ent features than expected, for the other VCR.
Usingthe remotecontrolto operatethe TV
The HS-U430 remote control can operate ma:ay of the frequently-
used functions of your TV. This way, you nee _ to use only one
remote to operate both your VCR and TV.
The HS-U430 remote control is pre-set to operate Mitsubishi
televisions, but it can also operate TVs from other manufacturers.
If you need to set your remote control for your particular brand of
television, follow the instructions below.
O Turn off your TV.
O On the HS-U430 remote control, set the _,?V/VCR slide switch
to TV position.
While holding in the POWER button, press the code button
listed to the left that corresponds to the l:rand of your TV.
O Once your TV has turned on, your remote is set up to operate
your brand of TV.
If your TV does not turn on, repeat step O mdng the next code
listed for the brand of your TV.
If none of the codes listed for the brand of your TV work, then
repeat step O several times, using a different code button until
one works. The possible code buttons are: (), ].-9, CANCEL,,
You do not need to perform this set-up again unless you change
the batteries, set up your remote for another brand of television,
or you get a new TV.
Once you have correctly set your remote control to operate., your
TV, you will be able to use the POWER, CHANNEL, VOLUME
and number buttons to operate your TV.
Depending on the model TV you have, all or _ome of the buttons
may not function, or they may operate different features than
indicated above. You may need to use the 1"V's remote control.
Sometimes manufacturers will change the remote control codes
for their products, or they will use more than one code. If this is
the case, your remote may not be able to control your TV.