6. With some PTs, timeout settings can be changed to eliminate some of the
communications errors. Refer to the operation manual for the PT for details.
This is true in both 1:1 and 1:N mode.
7. If more PTs are required by the system than allowed by the above restric-
tions in 1:N mode, connect the PTs in smaller groups to different ports.
8-2 Application Procedure
1, 2, 3... 1. Turn OFF the power supply to the PC.
2. Mount the Board.
3. Connections
Connect the external devices using RS-232C or RS-422 cables. The TERM
and WIRE switches on the front panel of the Board must be set if the Board is
connected using the RS-422A/485 port.
The CPU Unit can be connected to a Programming Console, the CX-Pro-
grammer, or the CX-Protocol as required.
4. Turn ON power.
5. Set the PC Setup settings for the Serial Communications Board.
Use a Programming Console, the CX-Programmer, or the CX-Protocol to
set the settings in the PC Setup between DM 6550 and DM 6559.
Note The settings stored in these words are read constantly; the PC does
not need to be restarted or reset when changes are made to the set-
tings. They will be updated automatically as soon as they are
NT Link Settings for 1:N Mode
The following table shows the settings for connecting more than one PT
when the highest PT unit number is 5.
Port 1 Port 2 Bit(s) Setting Function
DM 6555 DM 6550
00 to 07 --- Not used.
08 to 11 5 (BCD) Maximum Programmable
Terminal unit number
1 to 7 (BCD)
NT Link in 1:N mode
12 to 15 5 Hex Communications mode
NT Link in 1:N mode
DM 6556 DM 6551 00 to 15
--- Not used.
DM 6557 DM 6552 00 to 15
DM 6558 DM 6553 00 to 15
DM 6559 DM 6554 00 to 15
Port Settings are always the same for 1:N-mode NT Links. Settings of the
start bits, stop bits, parity, and baud rate are not necessary and will be ig-
Set the communications mode to a 1:N-mode NT Link (5 Hex).
Up to 8 PTs can be connected in 1:N mode. Set the highest unit number of
the PTs to be connected as the maximum Programmable Terminal unit num-
NT Link Settings for 1:1 Mode
The following table shows the settings for a 1:1-mode NT Link.
Port 1 Port 2 Bit(s) Setting Function
DM 6555 DM 6550
00 to 11 --- Not used.
12 to 15 4 Hex Communications mode
NT Link in 1:1 mode