
5-6SectionUsing Protocol Macros
Word ResetSetClassifi-
Name and FunctionBits
IR 201
00 to 03 Port 1 Error Code (Transmission Error Status)
When an error occurs during transmissions for a protocol
macro, an error code will be output to these bits.
0: Normal operation 1: Parity error 2: Framing error
Error codes 3 to 7 are not possible for protocol macros.
These error codes are the same regardless of the serial
communications mode.
IR 20104 will also turn ON except when the error code
contains all zeros. SEND&RECEIVE retry processing will
be performed for any error.
If communications are recovered through protocol macro
retry processing, the error code will be cleared, but will be
maintained even if a different error occurs during the retry.
sion error
When error
Start of
04 Port 1 Communications Error Flag
This flag turns ON when an error occurs in the
communications path between the communications port
and the external device or when communications
parameters are not set correctly.
The operation of this flag is the same regardless of the
serial communications mode.
Details on the error are output as an error code to
IR 20100 to IR 20103.
07 Port 1 Sequence Abort Completion Flag
This flag turns ON when a sequence has been aborted due
to ABORT in the next process or in the error process. It will
be OFF if an abort has not occurred.
sequence is
08 to 11 Port 2 Error Code (Transmission Error Status)
Same as bits IR 20100 to IR 20103, but works together
with IR 20112.
sion error
When error
12 Port 2 Communications Error Flag
Same as bits IR 2014, but works together with IR 20108 to
IR 20111.
15 Port 2 Sequence Abort Completion Flag
Save as IR 20107.
sequence is
IR 202 00 to 07 Port 1 Repeat Counter PV (00 to FF hexadecimal)
The repeat counter variable N is set. The value is cleared
when the sequence execution starts.
The present value N varies according to the method used
to initialize the value. For resets, the variable N is set to 0
when the step is started, and the step is executed accord-
ing to the set number of times. For holds, the variable N for
the present value is held when the step is started, and the
step is executed according to the set number of times.
If the Repeat Counter Setting Value is set to read word
R ( ), and 0 is read, then 0 will be stored and this step will
be skipped (the next process setting will be ignored), and
the sequence will move to the next step (+ 1). For details,
refer to the CX-Protocol Operation Manual (W344).
count is
IR 203 00 to 07 Port 2 Repeat Counter PV (00 to FF hexadecimal)
Same as IR 20200 to IR 20207.