
Appendix JV500/V520 Bar Code Reader Protocol
Protocol Configuration
The configuration of the V500/V520 Bar Code Reader Protocol is shown below.
Sequence Communications Function
Ladder interface
No. sequence name
Send word
Receive word
350 BCR read start Instructs the Reader to start a BCR read. No No
351 BCR read stop Instructs the Reader to stop a BCR read. No No
352 Data read Data read by the Reader is received and
saved in the receive words.
No Yes
353 Complete data read Instructs the Reader to start a read. After
the data read by the Reader is received
and saved to the receive words, reading is
No Yes
354 BCR function write
Writes the operation mode and read func-
Yes No
355 BCR function read
Reads the operation mode and read func-
No Yes
356 Log data output request
Requests output of log data sent to host. Yes Yes
357 Preset data set (V500) Writes preset data. Yes No
358 BCR connection con-
firmation (V500)
Confirms if the Reader is correctly set. No No
359 Log data clear (V500) Clear log data. No No
360 Continuous data read
(scan) (V500)
Performs the following operations repeat-
edly: starts reading, receives data read by
the Reader, saves the data to the receive
words by the scan method.
No Yes
361 Continuous data read
(interrupt) (V500)
Performs the following operations repeat-
edly: starts reading, receives data read by
the Reader, saves the data to the receive
words by the interrupt method (interrupt
No Yes
362 BCR initialize Clears the log, confirms BCR connection,
and sets BCRs.
363 Continuous data read
(scan) (V520)
Performs the following operations repeat-
edly: starts reading, receives data read by
the Reader, saves the data to the receive
words by the scan method.
No Yes
364 Continuous data read
(interrupt) (V520)
Performing the following operations repeat-
edly: starts reading, receives data read by
the Reader, saves the data to the receive
words by the interrupt method (interrupt
No Yes
365 General-purpose com-
mand 1
Used to send data of a specified data
length, and receive only ACK as the re-
ceive data.
Yes No
366 General-purpose com-
mand 2
Used to send data of a specified data
length, and receive ACK together with the
return of other receive data. The frame for-
mat of the receive data, however, has to
contain STX and ETX.
Yes Yes
Note Ladder Interface Settings
YES: User settings are required for the 2nd and 3rd operands of PMCR.
NO: Send word allocation: Set a dummy word address for the 3rd operand (D).
Receive word allocation: Set the constant 0000 for the 2rd operand (S).