
Appendix B
CompoWay/F Master Protocol
The CompoWay/F Master Protocol is used to send CompoWay/F commands with the CS1-series PC serving as
the host (master).
CompoWay/F is a protocol used by many OMRON components for serial communications. A host computer of a
PC can function as a host (master) to send CompoWay/F commands (message frames) to OMRON components,
which function as slaves. The components will return responses to these commands. Using CompoWay/F com-
mands, the host can read/write data, settings, and operating status to control the operation of the components.
CompoWay/F has the following features.
The same message frame format is used, eliminating the need for special protocols for each component. The
same commands can thus be used for serial communications with all CompoWay/F components.
The CompoWay/F protocol conforms to OMRONs standard FINS command protocol, providing compatibility
with other networks and more flexible expansions in the future.
The CompoWay/F Master Protocol is provided as a standard system protocol to enable the CQM1H-series PC to
executed read/write sequences for CompoWay/F commands.
System Configuration for Standard System Protocol
RS-232C Connections
CQM1H-series PC: Host
CompoWay/F response
OMRON CompoWay/F component: Slave
CompoWay/F command
RS-422A/485 Connections
CQM1H-series PC: Host
CompoWay/F response
CompoWay/F command
OMRON CompoWay/F components: Slaves