5-3SectionUsing Protocol Macros
Note The PC Setup settings for the Serial Communications Board are read
constantly during PC operation. It is not necessary to restart the PC
after changing these settings.
The default settings are shown in the following table. These are the standard
settings for protocol macros.
Port 1 Port 2 Bit(s) Setting Function
DM 6555 DM 6550
00 to 03 0 Hex Standard port settings (1 start bit,
7-bit data, even parity, 2 stop bits,
9,600 bps)
04 to 07 --- Not used.
08 to 11 --- Not used.
12 to 15 6 Hex Communications mode:
Protocol macro
DM 6556 DM 6551
00 to 07 --- Baud rate setting disabled.
08 to 15 --- Frame format setting disabled.
DM 6557 DM 6552 00 to 15 --- Not used.
DM 6558 DM 6553 00 to 15 --- Not used.
DM 6559 DM 6554 00 to 15 --- Not used.
6. Run the system as described below in Using Standard System Protocols or
in Using User-created Protocols.
Using Standard System Protocols
Uses standard system protocol No. 600
CPU Unit
External device
Example: K3N Series
Digital Panel Meter
Serial Communications
1, 2, 3... 1. Setting the Send Data
Refer to information on the 2nd operand of PMCR(––) in Appendix B Com-
poWay/F Master Protocol and set the number of send data words in S, and
set the send data starting in S+1.
2. Coding PMCR(––)
The following example shows how to use a Serial Communications Board to
read the present value for a K3N-series Digital Panel Meter using the Com-
poWay/F Master standard system protocol sequence No. 600: Send/Re-
ceive with ASCII Conversion and Response.
Input condition
Protocol Macro
Executing Flag
First word of send data
First storage word for receive data
1: Use port 1, 600: Sequence No. 600
If the input condition turns ON when the Protocol Macro Executing Flag
(IR 20708 for Port 1) is OFF, communications sequence No. 600 of the stan-
dard system protocol in the Serial Communications Board is called, and
data is sent and received via port 1 of the Serial Communications Board.