P/N: 4PFX020-020
©2006 Paxton Automotive
All Rights Reserved, Intl. Copr. Secured
24APR06 v1.1 MusGT(4PFX..020 v1.1)
Fig. 1-e
H. Disconnect the slide connection plug on the
coil. Remove the coil and coil bracket from
the manifold. Reinstall the coil in it’s origi-
nal bracket to the A/C bracket bolt. (See Fig.
M. Thoroughly clean the intake manifold carbu-
retor flange. Thread the supplied (4) carbu-
retor studs into the intake manifold. And
install one of the supplied gaskets.
Fig. 1-g
Fig. 1-h
Fig. 1-f
Split the wire loom to gain the necessary
wire length to reach the new coil location.
Reconnect the slide connector to the coil. (If
enough length can not be obtained use the
supplied wire and butt connectors to length-
*** NOTE ***
If a longer coil wire is needed, source a universal coil
wire kit that can be used. However, this would be a
good time to replace a worn wire set.
I. On the passenger side of the A/C condenser,
remove the A/C line support bracket and dis-
card. (See Fig. 1-f.)
J. Relocate the starter solenoid to the driver’s
side just in front of the shock tower. (See
Fig. 1-g.)
The ignition switch wire (and any other
wires drawing power from the solenoid) will
need to be extended to the new location.
K. Relocate the battery tray to the driver’s side.
Use the two 3/8" x 1" bolts, washers, and
nuts provided to secure the tray to the
engine compartment. Re-install the battery
and factory battery hold down. The battery
ground cable should be grounded to the
engine block. The battery positive cable is
reconnected to the starter solenoid. The
starter cable will need to be replaced with
the longer cable provided to reach the sole-
noids new location. Route and secure away
from heat and moving parts.
L. Locate the steel vacuum tube near the driv-
ers side valve cover. Using the supplied
5/16" x 24" rubber hose, connect this to the
vacuum tree on the firewall. Route as shown
or for best possible carburetor linkage clear-
ance. (See Fig. 1-h.)