4 – Interactive Commands
Beacon Menu
SN0054614-00 F 4-61
Beacon Menu
11: Beacon
When you select the Beacon option, SANsurfer FC HBA CLI shows the Beacon
Menu containing these options:
Locate HBA
Locate Target(s)
Locate HBA – HBA Beacon
(Command Line Option -a)
11: Beacon 1: Locate HBA
When you select this option, SANsurfer FC HBA CLI shows the HBA Beacon
Menu that lists all HBA ports. Select any port and press ENTER to toggle the
Beacon LED for that port:
Locate Target(s) – Target Beacon
(Command Line Option -tb)
11: Beacon 2: Locate Target(s)
When you select this option, SANsurfer FC HBA CLI shows the Target Beacon
Menu that lists all HBA ports. Select any port and press ENTER to view the disk
details of that port, including the current beacon status:
HBA Instance 1 (2200 Port 2) : Online
WWPN: 21-01-00-E0-8B-23-55-7C
Desc: QLA2200 /02/12/04 QLA2202FS QCP2202
1: Disk
Vendor : SEAGATE
Product ID : ST136403FC
Port Name : 21-00-00-20-37-1A-6B-CF
Port ID : 11-01-E4
Beacon : No
2: Disk
Vendor : SEAGATE
Product ID : ST118273 CLAR18
Port Name : 21-00-00-20-37-11-FF-EF
Port ID : 11-01-E8
Beacon : No
3: Beacon Selected Target(s)
4: Return to Previous Menu