4 – Interactive Commands
Statistics Menu (Command Line Options -gs and -ls)
4-78 SN0054614-00 F
Current Settings
13: Statistics 1: HBA Statistics 1: Configuration 1: Current Settings
The system displays the current settings for:
AutoPoll (AP)
SetRate (SR)
LogToFile (LF)
Restore Defaults
13: Statistics 1: HBA Statistics 1: Configuration 2: Restore Default
The system restores the default settings and returns a message:
Resetting to default settings..., done.
Auto Poll
13: Statistics 1: HBA Statistics 1: Configuration 3: Auto Poll
SANsurfer FC HBA CLI displays two polling options:
Manual Poll
If you select the Auto Poll option, the system enables Auto Poll and returns a
Auto Poll enabled.
Table 4-10. HBA Port Statistics Options
Parameter Name Alias Value Description
AutoPoll AP 0
Turn on automatic updates of the HBA
port statistics.
Turn on automatic updates of the HBA
port statistics at a specified interval.
SetRate SR 5–30 Set the polling interval during automatic
update (seconds).
LogToFile LF Log File
Export the statistics to a file (CSV format).