SN0054614-00 F E-1
Appendix E
Help Commands
Table E-1 is an alphabetic listing of the Help commands. Unless otherwise noted,
only one command line option per input file is valid. The hyphen (-) and slash (/)
characters are equivalent. That is, scli -g and scli /g are both valid
Table E-1 uses the following variables:
<hba instance>
HBA instance number of an HBA port.
<hba wwpn>
World Wide Port Name of an HBA port.
(xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx or xxxxxxxxxxxxxx).
<target wwnn>
World Wide Node Name of a target device.
(xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx or xxxxxxxxxxxxxx).
<target wwpn>
World Wide Port Name of a target device.
(xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx or xxxxxxxxxxxxxx).
<target portid>
Port ID of a target device. (xx-xx-xx or xxxxxx).
<target id>
ID of a target device.
<lun id>
Logical Unit Number of a LUN.
IP address.
Table E-1. Help Commands
Arguments Function
— [ int ] Starts interactive mode.
–a ( <hba instance> | <hba wwpn> ) Flashes the HBA port LED to locate it in the
host. This feature is not supported on
QLA22xx series HBAs.
–a ( <hba instance> | <hba wwpn> )
( view | ?)
Displays the current LED state on an HBA