SN0054614-00 F Index-3
SANsurfer FC HBA CLI User’s Guide
Command Line Interface for QLogic Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters
DataSize parameter 5-26
restoring 4-78
restoring for link 4-81
defining port alias 5-36
definitions of terms Glossary-1
delay timer, interrupt 4-23, 4-27
delay, loop reset 4-23
deleting virtual port 4-86
configuring boot 4-53
definition of Glossary-1
list, viewing A-6, B-16
configuration settings 4-62
loopback test 4-63, A-9
loopback test results B-13
parameters 5-26
port 4-63
read/write buffer test 4-66, 4-67, A-9
read/write buffer test results B-13
running loopback or read/write buffer
test 4-67
transceiver details 4-72
Diagnostics Menu 4-62
Digital Diagnostic Monitoring Interface 5-9
boot device 5-9
LUNs 5-29
disk, configuring iiDMA settings 4-45
disparity errors 5-23
binding information 5-34
boot device 4-52
configuration 4-49
diagnostics monitoring info 5-9
HBA information 5-42
host information 5-1
host topology 4-4, 5-40
link status 5-28
LUN configuration 4-50
LUN information 5-28
system information 5-1, 5-14
target information 5-39
version number 5-40
-dm 4-62, 4-72, 5-9, A-15, B-3
DMI, SFF DMI, viewing A-15, B-3
conventions used in guide 1-2
revision history -ii
DP parameter 5-18, 5-26
definition of Glossary-2
ioctl 4-4
rescanning 4-60
settings, viewing 5-13, A-10, B-10
sysfs 4-4
updating 4-60
updating for device 5-8
driver settings 4-54, 4-55
configure 5-13
DS parameter 5-19, 5-26
-e 4-51, 5-4, 5-9, A-8, B-8
E_Port (Expansion Port), definition
of Glossary-2
echo diagnostic test, definition of Glossary-2
-ei 5-12, D-1
FC tape support 4-23
Fibre Channel tape support 4-26
HBA hard loop ID 4-23, 4-26
HBA port BIOS 4-23, 4-26
LIP full login 4-23, 4-28
LIP reset 4-23, 4-27
receive out-of-order frame 4-23
target reset 4-23, 4-28
EnableBIOS parameter 5-32
EnableExtendedLogging parameter 5-32
EnableHardLoopID parameter 5-32
EnableLIPFullLogin parameter 5-32
EnableLIPReset parameter 5-32
EnableTargetReset parameter 5-32