SN0054614-00 F Index-1
-a 4-61, 5-6
abort changes to HBA parameters 4-29
about the product 4-88
adapter, definition of Glossary-1
Adjunct driver level, definition of Glossary-2
AL_PA, definition of Glossary-1
HBA 5-6, A-14
HBA information 4-18
HBA port 4-19
arbitrated loop, definition of Glossary-1
Arbitrated Loop_Physical Address, definition
of Glossary-1
attached port
definition of 4-4
viewing details 4-5
attaching loopback connector 4-65
auto poll, See automatic polling
auto-generating a virtual port 4-87
automatic polling 4-78, 4-81, 5-15
AutoPoll parameter 5-15
-b 4-8, 4-56, 5-7
HBA, locating 4-61
selected target, locating 4-62
status, toggling 5-6
status, viewing 5-6
target, locating 4-61
target, starting and stopping 5-39
Beacon Menu 4-61
by port ID parameter 5-14
by WWPN parameter 5-14
targets 4-49
binding information, viewing persistent
target 5-34
definition of Glossary-1
enabling 5-32
HBA port, enabling 4-23
blue text, meaning of 1-3
bold text, meaning of 1-2
boot code, definition of Glossary-1
boot device A-8
configuring 4-53
definition of Glossary-1
disable 5-9
displaying 4-52
HBA port instance 4-52
select 5-9
selectable 5-9
settings 4-53
view 5-9
viewing B-8
Boot Device Menu 4-51
breadcrumbs list, explanation of 4-2
-c 4-18, 4-22, 5-4, 5-8, A-3, B-2
cache, definition of Glossary-1
changed terms 2-6
CJTPAT parameter 5-18, 5-19, 5-26
class driver, definition of Glossary-2
error, list of 5-12
interactive exit C-1
non-interactive errors D-1
comma separated values (CSV) file, definition
of Glossary-1
command line
format, non-interactive mode 5-5
options, non-interactive 5-1