
data stream. (1) The commands, control codes, data,
or structured fields that are transmitted between an
application program and a device such as printer or
nonprogrammable display station. (2) All data sent
through a data channel in a single read or a single
write operation. (3) A continuous stream of data
elements in transmission, or intended for transmission,
in character or binary-digit form that use a defined
format. (4) Records sent to the InfoPrint Manager
server from host systems that generate the print data
default document. In InfoPrint Manager, an object
that represents default attribute values for a document
in a job. Synonymous with initial value document.
destination. (1) Any point or location, such as a
program, node, station, printer, or a particular terminal,
to which information is sent. (2) For InfoPrint Manager,
see actual destination, logical destination.
document. (1) A machine-readable collection of one or
more objects that represent a composition, a work, or a
collection of data. (2) In InfoPrint Manager, an object
representing a grouping of data in a job. A job can
contain one or more documents. The documents in a
job can differ from each other in some ways. For
example, they can contain different data and can have
different document formats. A document in a job can
contain printable data or a resource that is not
document format. In InfoPrint Manager, a document
format describes the type of data and control characters
in the document, such as line data, metacode, or
PostScript. The format of the data determines which
printer devices are capable of printing the document,
and whether InfoPrint Manager or InfoPrint XT must
transform the data.
duplex printing. Printing on both sides of a sheet of
paper, with the placement of the output images in a
head-to-head format on the page. This places the top of
one image at the same edge as the top of the next
image. Synonymous with normal duplex printing. See
also tumble duplex printing. Contrast with simplex
electronic mail. Correspondence in the form of
messages sent between workstations over a network.
Synonymous with e-mail.
electronic overlay. An overlay that is in an AFP
resource directory and that you or an application can
request for printing in a job. See also overlay.
e-mail. Electronic mail.
enable. In InfoPrint Manager, the action that makes a
destination, queue, or server able to accept jobs, or a
log able to accept information.
environment variable. (1) Any one of the variables
that describe the way that an operating system runs
and the devices that it recognizes. The operating
system can supply the variable, or applications can
define the variables. (2) A variable that is included in
the current software environment and is therefore
available to any called program that requests it.
error log. A data set or file in a product or system, in
which the product or system stores error information
for later access.
FCB. Forms Control Buffer.
File Transfer Protocol (FTP). (1) In TCP/IP, the
application protocol that makes it possible to transfer
data to and from host computers, and to use foreign
hosts indirectly. (2) In the Internet suite of protocols, an
application layer protocol that uses TCP and Telnet
services to transfer bulk-data files between machines or
font. (1) A collection of characters of a given typeface
and size. (2) Used generically to mean the collection of
coded fonts, character sets, and code pages.
form. In AFP, a physical sheet of paper on which data
prints. Synonymous with physical page and sheet. See
also medium.
form definition. An AFP resource that defines the
characteristics of the form, which include:
v Overlays required, if any
v Paper source (for cut-sheet printers)
v Duplex printing
v Text suppression
v Position of composed-text data on the form
Forms Control Buffer. (1) An area of virtual storage in
a printer control unit that contains the binary image of
an IBM 3211 printer carriage control tape, the binary
image itself, or a member of the z/OS system PDS
SYS1.IMAGELIB, which contains such an image in the
form of an assembled and linkedited CSECT. FCBs
control vertical and horizontal placement of data on the
page by assigning carriage control channels to line
numbers, and designating a line number as the bottom
of the form. (2) A buffer for controlling the vertical
format of printed output. The FCB is a line-printer
control that is similar to the punched-paper,
carriage-control tape. For Advanced Function
Presentation (AFP) printers, the forms control buffer is
replaced by the page definition.
FTP. File Transfer Protocol.
160 InfoPrint XT Guide