Figure 3 shows the various types of entries that you can make in a manual font
correlation table for single-byte Xerox fonts.
Creating manual correlation entries for double-byte Xerox
Correlation table entries for DBCS Xerox fonts are similar to entries for SBCS fonts.
However, you can only correlate a DBCS font to an AFP coded font. Add the DBCS
entry to the same tab.mft file that has any SBCS entries you require. The syntax for
a DBCS font entry is:
D XName A2ETable CFont
D The entry is a double-byte font.
The name of the Xerox font in uppercase, without the .FNT extension.
The name of the ASCII-to-EBCDIC translation table that InfoPrint XT uses.
Unless instructed otherwise by a technical support representative, this
value is X2AFP.
CFont The name of the AFP coded font to use in place of the Xerox font.
This is an example of an entry for a DBCS font in the tab.mft table:
If you require AFP DBCS outline fonts for use with double-byte Xerox fonts,
contact your marketing representative for more information. You can also use AFP
DBCS outline fonts from other sources. Those fonts must fully conform to the
MO:DCA FOCA standards; see Data Stream and Object Architectures: Font Object
Content Architecture (FOCA) Reference, S544-3285.
Creating manual correlation entries for images
To create a manual correlation table for image resources, create a tab.mit file in the
appropriate metrics directory. You can correlate a Xerox image to an AFP page
segment. You can specify horizontal and vertical spacing values if you require
them. The syntax for an image entry is:
I XName Pseg [X=nn] [Y=nn]
I The entry is an image.
The name of the Xerox image in uppercase, without the .IMG extension.
PSeg [X=nn] [Y=nn]
The AFP page segment to use in place of the Xerox image. As an option,
you can also adjust the position of the page segment on the page. The
adjustments that you make are relative to the page segment when you look
F RK141P X2AFP C0UN411E T1UN411E
F CSFL30 X2AFP S1L3021 41
F CSFP01 X2AFP S1P0121 A
F CSFP02 X2AFP S1P0122 21 Y=-7
F CSFP03 X2AFP S1P0123 F X=3
F CSFP04 X2AFP S1P0124 Y X=-3 Y=4
Figure 3. Sample correlation entries for single-byte Xerox fonts
Chapter 4. Loading Xerox resources 53