at it in the portrait orientation. You can use X=nn to make a horizontal
adjustment. nn is a value in pels. A positive value moves the page segment
to the right. A negative value moves it to the left. Use Y=nn to make a
vertical adjustment. A positive value moves the page segment down on the
page. A negative value moves it up.
Figure 4 shows the various types of entries that you can make in a manual
correlation table for Xerox images.
Creating manual correlation entries for logos
To create a manual correlation table for logo resources, create a tab.mlt file in the
appropriate metrics directory. You can correlate a Xerox logo to an AFP page
segment. You can specify horizontal and vertical spacing adjustments if you
require them. The syntax for a logo entry is:
L XName PSeg [X=nn] [Y=nn]
L The entry is a logo.
The name of the Xerox logo in uppercase, without the .LGO extension.
PSeg [X=nn] [Y=nn]
The AFP page segment to use in place of the Xerox logo. As an option, you
can also adjust the position of the page segment on the page. The
adjustments that you make are relative to the page segment when you look
at it in the portrait orientation. You can use X=nn to make a horizontal
adjustment. nn is a value in pels. A positive value moves the page segment
to the right. A negative value moves it to the left. Use Y=nn to make a
vertical adjustment. A positive value moves the page segment down on the
page. A negative value moves it up.
Figure 5 shows the various types of entries that you can make in a manual
correlation table for Xerox logos.
Processing a manual correlation table
To process a manual resource correlation table and activate correlation entries:
1. Copy the font and page segment files to the AFP resource directory. Copies of
the AFP fonts and AFP page segments that you specify in a manual resource
correlation table must be in the appropriate InfoPrint XT AFP resource
directory. For example, you specified an AFP resource in the manual correlation
I X14BAR S1IBI13B X=-2
I AIR767 S1PIPERC X=3 Y=-2
Figure 4. Sample correlation entries for Xerox images
L L1980 S1BLUE Y=4
L L1990 S1GREEN X=-2
L L2003 S1DKRED X=3 Y=-2
Figure 5. Sample correlation entries for Xerox logos
54 InfoPrint XT Guide