
Bit 7: Reserved for future use.
CTLHEADR record has no associated data.
A CTLHEADR record that indicates the possible presence of NOPs
generated from OTEXT DJDEs might contain:
A CTLHEADR record that indicates the possible presence of NOPs
generated from C DJDEs might contain:
InfoPrint XT generates one XRXOTEXT record for each OTEXT DJDE
command that the job contains. The values for its flag byte at offset 27 are:
Bit 0: Specifies whether the OTEXT DJDE command suspends printing
until an operator acknowledges the message. 1 indicates that the
OTEXT DJDE command suspends printing.
Bit 1: Reserved for future use.
Bit 2: Reserved for future use.
Bit 3: Reserved for future use.
Bit 4: Reserved for future use.
Bit 5: Reserved for future use.
Bit 6: Reserved for future use.
Bit 7: Reserved for future use.
data for the XRXOTEXT record is the text of the OTEXT message.
InfoPrint XT generates one AFPRLEVL record at the beginning of each
AFP font and each AFP page segment that it creates from Xerox font,
image, and logo resources. InfoPrint XT does not use the flag byte at offset
27. The data length at offset 28 is always X'0002'. The data at offset 30 is
currently X'0000', which indicates the base level for AFP resources created
by InfoPrint XT.
InfoPrint XT also converts Xerox images that contain highlight color
controls to AFP page segments. InfoPrint XT generates an XRXHCINK
record immediately following the AFP Begin Image Object (BIM) structured
field for each image object in the page segment. It uses the data section of
this record to identify the fully qualified Xerox ink name for the Xerox
sample that corresponds to the image object. InfoPrint XT does not use the
flag byte at offset 27.
InfoPrint XT generates one XRXCDJDE record for each C DJDE that the
job contains. The values for its flag byte at offset 27 are:
Chapter 3. Customizing InfoPrint XT 33