
XT load process. The InfoPrint XT pdxtloadres command does the actual
conversion. You also convert the non-printable resources.
Printable Xerox resources
Xerox jobs use specific printable Xerox resources, such as fonts, forms, images, and
logos. Table 1 lists the major types of printable Xerox resources and their
equivalent AFP resources.
Table 1. Printable Xerox resources and their AFP functional equivalents
Xerox Resources AFP Resources
Xerox FNT (fonts) AFP code pages, character sets, and coded
Xerox FRM (forms) AFP overlays
Xerox IMG (images) AFP page segments
Xerox LGO (logos) AFP page segments
Non-printable Xerox resources that InfoPrint XT uses
Xerox jobs use other types of Xerox resources, such as job descriptor libraries
(JDLs) and page descriptor entries (PDEs). These resources control the data stream
characteristics and the printing environment. While you must also load these Xerox
resources on the Windows system, the load process does not produce any
corresponding AFP resources. Instead, the InfoPrint XT pdxtloadres command
stores the necessary formatting information that the resources contain. When you
process a job that uses these resources, InfoPrint XT creates a unique AFP form
definition for the job from some of the formatting information. This list describes
the non-printable Xerox resources that InfoPrint XT processes and uses:
Cluster Library (LIB)
Defines clusters, or groups of printer trays.
Copy Modification Entry (CME)
Defines changes to the printing characteristics of a job on a copy-by-copy
Job Descriptor Library (JDL)
A collection of compiled job descriptor entries (JDEs), which define the
unique characteristics of one or more Xerox jobs.
Page Descriptor Entry (PDE)
A set of statements that define formatting information for each page of a
job. This includes information such as the page orientation, the starting
print line, and the fonts that the page uses.
Routing Text (TST)
Contains information that is specific to separator sheets, which precede
individual Xerox reports.
Stocksets (STK)
Defines the types of paper that the job requires and associates them with
the clusters of printer trays, as defined by clustr.lib.
For more information about loading resources and the messages that InfoPrint XT
can issue during the load process, see:
v Chapter 4, “Loading Xerox resources,” on page 37
v Appendix C, “Resource converter messages: 5018-nnn ,” on page 117
2 InfoPrint XT Guide