
The Network configuration page is used for maintenance of the network interface. From this page an
administrator may configure the IP address, subnet mask, gateway address, DNS addresses as well as
view the link status, speed and duplex value.
The Sentry is configured with the following network defaults to allow unit configuration out-of-the-box
through either Telnet or HTML:
IP address:
Subnet Mask:
The initial local PC network connection must be configured as noted below:
NOTE: Contact your system administrator for instructions in reconfiguring the network connection. Reconfiguration of
your network connection may require a restart to take effect.
IP address: 192.168.1.x (where x is 2-253)
Subnet Mask:
NOTE: The unit must be restarted after network configuration changes. See Performing a warm boot: on page 21.
Setting the IP address, subnet mask, gateway or DNS address:
In the appropriate field, enter the IP address, subnet mask, gateway address or DNS address and press Apply.
The Telnet/SSH configuration page used to enable or disable Telnet and SSH support and configure the
port number that the Telnet or SSH server watches. For more information on SSH see page 47 in
Chapter 4: Advanced Operations.
Enabling or disabling Telnet or SSH support:
Select Enabled or Disabled from the appropriate Server drop-down menu and press Apply.
Changing the Telnet or SSH server port number:
In the appropriate Port field, enter the port number and press Apply.
The HTTP/SSL configuration page used to enable or disable HTTP and SSL support, configure the port
number that the HTTP server watches and responds to, selection of the method of authentication used
and SSL access level. For more information on SSL see page 45 in Chapter 4: Advanced Operations.
Enabling or disabling HTTP or SSL support:
Select Enabled or Disabled from the appropriate Server drop-down menu and press Apply.
Changing the HTTP server port number:
In the HTTP Port field, enter the port number and press Apply.
Setting the HTTP authentication method:
The Sentry HTTP server supports two authentication methods for security and validation of the
username-password – Basic and MD5 digest.
The Basic method utilizes Base64 encoding to encode and deliver the username-password over the
network to the HTTP server for decoding and authentication. This basic method is supported by all
web browsers and offers a minimum level of security.
NOTE: The Base64 algorithm is widely-known and susceptible to packet-sniffer attack for acquisition of the encoded
username-password string.
The MD5 digest method provides stronger protection utilizing one-way encoded hash numbers, never
placing the username-password on the network. Instead, the sending browser creates a challenge code
based on the hash algorithm, provided username-password and unique items such as the device IP
address and timestamp, which is compared against the HTTP server internal user database of valid
challenge codes. The MD5 digest method offers a higher level of security than the Basic method but at
present is not supported by all browsers.
NOTE: MD5 is known to be fully supported by Internet Explorer 5.0+
Select Basic or MD5 from the Authentication drop-down menu and press Apply.
14 Operations Sentry PT22
Installation and Operations Manual